Virtual Reality – An ‘Unreal’ Experience

The next level of interaction between humans and machines which bridges the gap between how we humans perceive our world around us, is achievable using Virtual Reality. To define Virtual Reality, we need to understand two terms that constitute it, 'virtual' and 'reality'. In simple terms. virtual means near and reality is what we experience … Continue reading Virtual Reality – An ‘Unreal’ Experience

What are Neural Networks?

Dr. Robert Hecht-Nielsen, the father of first neurocomputers defines Neural Network as "...a computing system made up of a number of simple, highly interconnected processing elements, which process information by their dynamic state response to external inputs." Before proceeding further, let us understand what exactly Neurocomputers are according to : "a computer or a … Continue reading What are Neural Networks?

The Internet of Things – Why it is making The World a Better Place

The internet of things or IoT, in short, refers to a relatively new concept in the technology sector which has revolutionized the way we see physical things. It refers to millions and maybe billions of real world or physical devices which are connected by an interconnected network or internet, helping in sharing and collecting data. … Continue reading The Internet of Things – Why it is making The World a Better Place